Saturday 19 October 2013

The Arts at School

I hate school art. You never do anything.Ever. I think right now were drawing lines on a piece of paper and coloring them in. Great project. This is the art teacher though, the actual designated art teacher. Mr. so and so also happens to teach English/L.A. I brought this up with my parents one night and my dad made a joke of "well language arts its the same word whatever obviously you should have the same teacher". But I actually thought about it and Mr. so and so isn't even good at art so I'm a bit confused did they just run out of money to hire people or do they just not care? I've never had a good art program at school so of course I'm used to it but I'm fed up. They shove math down your throat, can they not just have the same amount of time for art and care about it just as much. Do they think art isn't important?

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